更新日期:2004-09-21 Tuesday
1. 不可帶進任何食物、飲料、飲用水。
2. 離開該中心前,使用者需配合下列事項:
(1) 正常關機。
(2) 將耳機放置在螢幕後面,桌子的左上角位置,並將麥克風朝上。
(3) 清理乾淨桌面,勿留下任何紙屑、橡皮擦屑、油墨、汙痕在桌上。
(4) 推回椅子。
(5) 如有必要,請用該中心所提供之螢幕專用擦拭布擦拭螢幕。
(6) 勿用任何物品,例如筆或鉛筆,碰觸螢幕。
(7) 勿在桌面上書寫。
3. 未經允許,使用者不可擅自更換其座位及相關設備。
4. 如發現有任何損壞事項,應立即告知負責人。
Regulations for G108
2. No food or drink is allowed in the lab.
3. Before leaving the room, each user MUST do the following:
(1) Turn off the computer properly.
(2) Put the headset on the left corner behind the monitor with the microphone pointing upward.
(3) Clean the station table of any trash or ink marks or stains.
(4) Put back the chair.
(5) If necessary, clean the monitor with the wipes offered in the center.
(6) DON'T use any objects such as a pen or pencil to touch the monitor.
(7) Don't write on the table.
4. Each user cannot change his/her assigned station without permission.
5. Immediately inform the teacher if there are any improper breakdowns or discrepancies
related to the computers.